تبلیغ تلف شده
Whether marginal cost rises or falls with product quality, dissipative advertising would not be used by a monopolist with a known high-quality product; thus, such advertising is not used as a signal.93 In this model, advertising is used as a signal of quality only if it is demand-enhancing.
Whether its product is new or mature, the monopolist would never use dissipative advertising.
When c(H) > c(L) and an intermediate number of informed consumers exists, he shows that dissipative advertising may be used along with a high (supra-monopoly) price to signal high quality.
They show that dissipative advertising can signal high quality even in a static model, if marginal cost is su?
As Fluet and Garella (2002) and Hertzendorf and Overgaard (2001) demon- strate, dissipative advertising may also signal high quality in a static duopoly model.
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